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"ᴅɪᴇ ɢᴇᴡᴏʜɴʜᴇɪᴛ"
…zukünftiges Ich - Befriedigung zu erwarten
bessere Noten - den ganzen Tag - Für gute Gewohnheiten - und größeren Gewinn - Die Neigung des Gehirns - Unsere Vorliebe für sofortige Befriedigung offenbart eine wichtige Wahrheit über den Erfolg - Gegenwart - Oberste Gebot der Verhaltensänderung - was sofort belohnt wird, wird wiederholt. Was sofort bestraft wird, wird vermieden. - Sozialkompetenzen - Handlung, Genuss - Was die meisten Menschen wissen - gesündere Lebensmittel - In der Gegenwart der höchsten Priorität - Vorteile - Training als Selbstzweck sehen - Idealerweise ist die Belohnung für eine gute Gewohnheit die Gewohnheit selbst - Anfangs ist alles ein Opfer - Erfolgserlebnis signalisiert Belohnung - Die Koppelung von Gewohnheiten - unmittelbare Belohnung - beispielsweise Luxus - kurzfristige Belohnungen wählen, die Ihre Identität stärken - eine Massage gönnen - wie gut es sich anfühlt, Sie selbst zu sein - langfristige Absichten, gesünder zu leben - Sex - „Weltreise“ - Die Identität selbst wird zum Verstärker - Das vierte Gesetz der Verhaltensänderung lautet: Die Gewohnheit muss befriedigend sein - menschliches Gehirn - unmittelbare Belohnungen Vorrang vor zeitverzögerten geben - Anreize können eine Gewohnheit begründen, die Identität erhält die Gewohnheit - Allerdings braucht es Zeit - Sofortige Verstärkung hilft - Motivation kurzfristig aufrechtzuerhalten - während Sie darauf warten - das sich die langfristigen Belohnungen einstellen - damit sie Bestand hat - Simple Verstärkungen - duftende Seifen - Rosen - Kerzenschein - Mimosen - Der Gedanke an die Gegenwart - Der Gedanke an eine Person - Die ersten drei Gesetze der Verhaltensänderung - Die Gewohnheit muss offensichtlich sein, sie muss attraktiv sein und sie muss einfach sein - erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Verhalten ausgeführt wird. Das vierte Gesetz der Verhaltensänderung - Sie muss befriedigend sein - erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es beim nächsten Mal wiederholt wird. - die Liebe - die Musik - Melodien - vorzügliche Fantasien - Erlebnisse die eine Geschichte prägen - zum Ausdruck bringen - Nicht abreißen lassen - Lassen Sie die Kette der Trainingseinheiten nicht abreißen, dann werden Sie schneller fit als erwartet - Lassen Sie die Kette der täglichen Kreativarbeit nicht abreißen - Gewohnheitstracking ist deshalb so wirkungsvoll - weil konsequent weiterarbeiten hilft - Entspannung - Frieden - Freizeit - Das Verhalten wird gleichzeitig offensichtlich, attraktiv und befriedigend - das bedeutet Verkaufsgespräche nicht abreißen lassen - beeindruckendes Portfolio - auf den Einzelnen eingehen - Ein Blick auf die Büroklammern im Behälter verrät sofort, wie fleißig Sie waren (oder auch nicht). Wenn Sie die Beweise deutlich vor Augen haben, können Sie sich nicht so leicht etwas vormachen. - hold your treasures - In a heartbeat - I‘m a treasure and sometimes I’ll be your train - trains take you somewhere - planes take you somewhere - and life is good within this present moment
(12.03.2023 von Jessica R. K. - Persönliche Gedanken und Notizen zu „Die 1 % Methode - minimale Veränderung / maximale Wirkung“ von James Clear)
„We don‘t fully develope our potential as human beings, if we aren‘t fully authentic within the moment of development.“
(People carry their unique form of blueprint throughout their lives. Different opportunities with its own struggles, actions and thoughts - many might be relatable - we can all have - at least we hope it to be this way for everyone - but we shouldn‘t take too much of anything - and not everything is needful..)
Faith has its own system. It’s a unique response to a spiritual reality and yet adjustable in many ways. We do create a lot ourselves, as well do our surroundings create with us.
Some realities remain despite of our actions, wishes, thoughts or even imagination. This means faith has its own rules and system. Faith enables us to walk in the direction we want to go. Yet the faith household is built by everyone uniquely according to their will, knowledge and the reality given and given thereby. Oftentimes our spiritual realities have a history to them, which have been shaped by generations before us. Some were related to us and others not directly. The ones that were may have built a spiritual ground for us to walk in some way either good or bad. For example the passing on of a typical cultural behavior - a bad habit or even a sickness could be passed on someway by a relative through the spirit. The ones that weren‘t related might have still built a spiritual ground in one way or another - e.g. a school we attended, which has been built 65 years in advance by someone with a great vision to educate young folks.
The physical and the spiritual world both contribute very much to what we call science today. Quantum physics for example describe the spiritual world in combination to a physical world, in order to help us understand the bonds between the two more. However some spiritual „contributions“ can be interrupted or even cut off - in parts or completely. This would as well show a direct reaction and/or a longterm difference within our DNA and physical bodies. As a strong spirit has the ability to heal sickness in the body.
Sometimes we do take on partially the faith household built by someone else. In fact, some do this quite often - even unsubconsciously in daily activities - conversations - meetings - especially the relationships we hold on to the closest tend to influence our „faith household“ the most - either good or bad. There is a little danger to it, when we take on behavioral patterns, which we usually don‘t really admire and incorporate them into our lives.
People with a highly reflective spiritually discerning mind are usually more able to categorize these bits of influences. Cause these bits might lead us to a whole different direction, where we actually dont want to go.
This might be the place of losing our authenticity, which can be frustrating and selfharming.
We don‘t fully develope our potential as human beings, if we aren‘t fully authentic within the moment of development. Yet perfection isn‘t always easy to achieve looking at the circumstances life sometimes throws at us.
There are differences yet, when it comes to sacrifices. Sacrifices should remain authentic to us. Otherwise there‘s no point for them. Forced sacrifices, which completely deny who we are - are on a longterm basis unhealthy. The sacrifices which we bring to the table, should be the ones which contribute to our authenticity, because they‘re purposefully chosen and set right in time.
When we stop being authentic, we start to stumble. Frustration and selfharm can be a direct response, instead of us dealing with the real problem. It could mean that the focus of identifying the real problem has lost its meaning. Or we simply got tired of looking at the real problem, chose to neglect it and didn‘t really confronted it the way we should have. Confrontation sometimes means attaining your authenticity and health. If something feels off to you, you probably shouldn‘t agree with it.
It might save your soul and fight your way back to freedom. Even if it means distancing yourself from someone you really love. Sometimes this is the way you love someone better and especially yourself as well. Sometimes distance is a key for healing.
You deserve to have this much selflove and respect for yourself to distance yourself if you need to. In conclusion one of the most powerful things we can do in order to keep our river of faith levelling and forming our future well is by being authentic and honest to ourselves. Authenticity makes a big part of our motivation and elevates the wish to work with what we have. It‘s a greater way to persistence and using our potential well.
15.04.2023 "Blueprint" written by Jessica R. K.

𝔉𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢 𝔙𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔞, 𝔖𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔫 2023
Jargalan, Mongolia 2019
ᴛᴇxᴛ ɪɪɪ
𝔞 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔴𝔞𝔩 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱
𝔟𝔶 𝔍𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔞 ℜ. 𝔎.
"The ultimate power of love does not only make people better, it helps them discover their true self and potential working through the spirit, soul & body."
"i am a spirit, i have a soul and i live in a body."
"Capturing the thoughts you have, discerning whether good or bad and clearing yourself from evil thinking on a longterm basis, will help manifest a healthy life within your body, soul and spirit. A strong and healthy mindset is key to a good health and a greater development. Your mind is a weapon.“
"Healthy thinking will boost the immune system, reduce toxic stress, bring healing from mental & physical diseases and render a much more happier and balanced conscious life."
- mind navigation
"Not thinking too highly of yourself is very releasing."
"Don't fear for the past nor the future. Trust and remain hopeful, thankful and expecting a good life and a great outcome within the present moment for your future. Your faith can move mountains."
"Oftentimes being patient with people is far better than being judgmental towards them. Everyone grows in their unique way and some experiences are wanted to be made."
"Being a deliverer is better than being a judge."
"You don't have to be better than everybody else, but you can aim to be the best version of who you are meant to be."
"Overthinking may not only cause unnecessary stress, but it may rob you from feeling and experiencing your senses on a more distinctive level.“
"Truth is that love is more terrifying than evil. Evil is oftentimes cheap, unsteady and superficial. While true love demands depth and operates in it. It takes way more guts to love, than to do evil."
"Work dilligently on the things that seem easy to you."
"People may question your efforts,
but that is nothing new."
"I'm not changing who I am.
But because I want to be who I am,
I am changing."
"There's no need to compete or compare yourself to other people.
You are unique and you matter.
You have something to bring to the table and give like noone else can.
This is a precious truth."
"Growing in persistence is beautiful and makes a better you.“
"Life will mostly involve some kind of work, yet balancing your rest and taking time to meditate is crucial."
"There ain't nothing wrong with wishing to do the most out of your life and working with your potential."
"The success of other people is not a threat to your own.“
„The older I become, the more I realize how subjective success truly can be.“
"Communication is very significant in order to be authentic."
"The present counts more than the past."
"Don't wish within the moment to be somewhere else in the future, when you can be content with where you are right now."
"Lies don’t comfort as much as the truth does."
"Calming your inner self can help you get a clearer vision for the moment. As dissolving your mess may render you peace."
"I believe the key to climate change
is called prayer."
"Sometimes it is easier to end a relationship, when there have been too many misapprehensions going on. You can't afford to be responsible for everyone understanding you the right way. At times we should be just moving on in order to keep our peace."
"It is wise to take the time you need and not just let anybody tell you, how to write your story or suggest you who you should become. Master your own plans and mind your own business. You're not responsible for everbody elses' life, you're responsible first of all for your own life."
"Geniuses aren't born, they are built.“
"Real love is always linked to trusted freedom.“
"don't forget to stay true to who you are."
"You can learn from people, you can let them guide you at times and be an example to you. But you can never be who they are and they can never be who you are. Aiming to be the best version of who you are meant to be, is always greater than trying to be someone else. Noone needs to replace anyone. Be you."
"Don't expect people to understand you, if they don't know you well. You'll prevent your heart from getting into trouble."
"You have a lot better to do in life, than to compare yourself to other people."
"Everybody falls sometimes, getting up is key."
"Just because someone carries it well, doesn't mean it isn't heavy at times."
"People are precious because of who they are, not firstly because of their achievements.“
"Sometimes people who have had years stolen in their development become great developers in various areas years later."
"Be nicer to yourself.
You are still learning."
"Sometimes people become their own experiment."
CONFESSION: "One day I'll see all my dreams and goals coming true. And I'll be looking back at some point and I'll be really glad."
"The language of Heaven is faith.
The language of hell is fear."
"Never underestimate having faith on a longterm basis for good, when your faith proves to work."
"Spiritual intelligence is powerful."
"It is still greater to respect people, even if they're a whole lot different than you."
"You'll do yourself and others more of a favor, if you take care of yourself well."
"Choose your closest friends wisely. Those that secretly want to see you fail are usually not the ones, but those that wish you the best."
"On the way of developing, loving and becoming a greater version of you, don't forget to encourage and compliment yourself in your little progressions."
"The presence of God is the sweetest place on earth.
"The best thing in life is, when I'm reminded that God is with me."
Your spiritual home in God is the only place, where you fully get to be who you truly are. #bornagain
You have a lot better to do, than to be annoyed by wrong assumptions and toxic opinions of other people. You know who you are and this is what matters. You don't owe everyone an explanation of your life.
The identity of a person isn't all defined by their sexuality, but more on who they are as a whole person. limiting the definition of a person to their sexual orientation will never be extensive enough. People are way more than a sexual orientation and
god loves everyone.
some people might not grant you success, because they think you need to be just like them, which isn't true. make progress in your own time and cherish every individual season in your life, which allows you to grow. we're not called to be all the same in every moment of our lives.
Don't suffer unnecessarily.
everybody carries their own load.
you carry yours.
if you want to live authentically, you'll need to stand up for yourself and your values. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not worthy of this truth.
Noone has more compassion
on people than god.
the love of god is perfectly meassured through the holy spirit of god.
people can't be each others' solutions
as much as only god can be it.
people aren't saved simply by anticipating in the presence of god for a while. in order to live fully in the presence of god & be saved for eternity, people still need to fully surrender to jesus and invite the holy spirit into their lives.
some things might work for others but still not work for you. respect yourself enough to hold onto your boundaries. everyone grows through their own lessons. don't forget to stick to your boundaries, when you have to. they're gold.
the most intelligent in the world is love. in fact the holy spirit of god is ultimate and divine love himself. love is so genius, that it will always hold the greatest solutions to every problem on earth. it will always be part of the greatest developments. love will always be the most intelligent response to any question possibly asked. holy love isn't only godly power, but a godly person. holy love is the only way to salvation.
to lie to yourself or live in a lie doesn't make you intelligent. being real takes strength and risk, but is absolutely
worth it.
not one person in the world has the right to uncover your sins, when they have been forgiven by god.
it is not a good idea to make yourself
an opinion about someone you don't really know.
your life is a prayer.
"The best thing in life is to know god
and to be known by him."
it is easier to get to know god, than it is to get to know people. people might change from time to time, but god never changes.
it is a sure thing to rest in god and know god, and a whole different story to think you know a person. god is the most steadfast resource and friend any person could possibly have.
sometimes it is good to remind yourself, that it is ok to be ok with less. you can still be thankful. you can still be patient. even if things didn't work out how you thought they would, be ok with where you're at. you don't always have to prove yourself on the front line. you don't always have to have the best seats. be ok with less.
comparison often leads to toxic judgement. don't compare yourself to others, instead learn to embrace your unique blueprint of identity & how to cherish it along the way, while you give of yourself.
you matter!
the simplicity of life itself
is oftentimes the greatest gift.
People don't change the reality by their own perception of what they think is true. the reality remains the reality despite of false perceptions. it can not be changed into something, which it simply isn't.
it's part of the law of the universe
and how god created life to be.
as a society we should not need
puppet people, but way more real people
who tell it how it is.
it can't be that people constantly should have to adjust and change in a way
for someone else to feel better about themselves. people should learn to accept people and themselves as they are.
if everyone would have to constantly adjust so someone else feels better about themselves, noone could ever be who they are. i understand that we take up sacrifices and we give ourselves to others, but it can't always be in a way, that we just ain't ourselves no more.
even if people have messed up
completely, they can still turn
to the lord, repent and start
living a pure life again.
Don't rush your decisions in an impulsive instant. not every decision has to be made within the moment of it appearing in your mind. some decisions can be put to side and given the time they need until a proper decision can be made.
sometimes it's not about people really knowing you or not.
some people are living in their own world full of complexes, insecurities and jealousies, which is enough reason for them to want you to be who they want you to be, despite of the person you really are.
this ain't about you.
this is all about them and how they decide to cope with their own insecurities.
don't waste your time thinking you need to help them get it right. leave their drama to themselves. forgive and move on happily.
not every person popping up in your mind deserves your attention. everytime you feel like you're having an image of a person in your mind, that you don't want to think about, simply say in your mind: "This person does not deserve my attention."
this is a practical way of distancing yourself from someone else. especially in busy moments, when there's simply no time.

𝔐𝔦𝔪𝔞 𝔐𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔲𝔪 - 𝔅𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔰, 𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔤𝔦𝔲𝔪 2018
𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖗𝖞 𝖇𝖞 𝖒𝖊
"It's a sea of eternal possibilities,
where matter equals thoughts.
And liable to gravity,
they build a quantum field of thought.
Wave functions need to collaborate,
consciousness to imagine in the spirit -
interactions of masses to correlate -
allowing electrons to be fired up.
Bits of information and potential energy -
atoms constructing molecules,
await to be shaped into reality.
And gone around the world,
they travel (faster) than the speed of light.
Perceived to move through a cosmic court,
they might never die."
"Quantum field of thought" written by Jessica R. K. (poetry - October 2020)
Life is an entangled thing,
like a light shining on a hill.
An ongoing process to changing still,
what seems possible to the human will.
Your spirit works like a machine,
finding its direction according to your will.
Causing all to come to pass -
the things you keep pondering about.
If you speak lifes' abundance,
you'll have abundant life.
We get what we say we'll have,
if you understand, impart it to your faith.
The words you speak are powerful,
manifesting themselves in the spiritual.
You'll sow and reap what your heart is full,
reproducing yourself in the natural.
( "words are spirit" a poem written
by Jessica R. K., September 2020)
"Pour water on a tree and it's going
to pour off the leaves.
But if it's being absorbed by its roots,
length of life is its guarantee.
Words are spirit,
and spirit touches on spirit.
Yet goodness grows through the roots, which will determine of what it's adherent."
- Jessica R. K. - 16.07.20
"Don't worry for what might be or not
everything has its time,
as well as every thought.
In every wilderness,
there is much trust to learn.
As you go straight ahead,
try take the right turn.
Patience is a needed thing,
for every queen and every king.
Sweet child - take it to your heart.
There is much you can bring
a good counsel from within.
Problems might solve
before they start.
a song by Jessica R. K. - 23.03.20
"I’m sorry for how I’ve failed you in the past.
I hate these failures mounting up and masquerading as if they’d last.
I try not to, yet I’m still sorry
for failing you at times.
Sometimes I wish failure wouldn’t exist
and I could thank you back
over a million times.
But I believe, that I will not have to hide.
The future is going to be far better -
holding its new tide.
I’ll surely make a difference -
praying over a hundred times,
for the mountains to be moved
to a remote distance.
Yours truly, a blood washed bride."
"failure" a poem by Jessica R. K. (2019)

𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔰, 𝔉𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 2017
"ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔞 𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔱, ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔞 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℑ 𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔞 𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶."

"The greatest doer must also be a great dreamer."
by Theodore Roosevelt
"Elegance is beauty that never fades."
by Audrey Hepburn
"Combine the extremes, and you will have the true center."
by Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will take you everywhere."
Albert Einstein
"Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame."
by Brene Brown
"Success is sometimes the result of a lot of failures."
by Van Gogh
"Wrong paths can still lead to right places.
Bad chapters can still create great stories.
Failed dreams can still create successful people."
by Jordin Solis
"Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love."
by Lisa Bevere
"God loves sex and is a big fan of your freedom and pleasure."by Andrew J. Bauman
"Although humans rarely die from trauma, if we do not resolve it, our lives can be severely diminished by its effects. Some people have even described this situation as a "living death.""
by Peter A. Levine
"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives."
by Akshay Dubey
"Feeling safe in someones' energy is a different type of intimacy. That feeling of peace and protection is really underrated." - Unknown
"The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for."
- Norman Vincent Peale

„Ein Moment der Stille“
"Lausche der Stille nach,
wie sie sich bewegt.
Wenn du nichts zu denken hast,
höre wie sie spricht.
Von guter Laune und Leichtigkeit,
singt sie dir ein Lied.
In früher Stunde
noch vor Dämmerungs' Antritt -
lausche der Stille nach."
22. November 2017
von Jessica R. K.
„Ein Herbstblatt“
„Das Blatt tanzt seinen Schatten
auf dem Weg hin zum Asphalt.
Kontrastiert vom Schein der Laterne,
nichtsahnend, wie weit es
es wohl schaffen mag.
Wohlmöglich der letzte Tanz bevor es fällt,
die Antwort kennt nur der Wind.
Doch was es weiss,
beim Verlassen des Bäumeleins,
das es doch bald schon seinen Abschied nimmt.“
18. November 2017
von Jessica R. K.
„Eine Beobachtung“
Auf der glühenden Spitze des Dochtes,
tanzt die Flamme ganz unbeholfen.
Zum tröpfelnden Takt des Regens,
regt sie sich von hier nach dort.
Geschmeidig und wild,
das flammende Gewölbe -
unberechenbar und raffiniert.
Sie weiss ihren Tanz zu schätzen,
sie weiss sie fasziniert.“
Ein Gedicht von Jessica R. K. (Herbst 2017)
„Das Reh“
„Wie rote Zwiebeln am Morgen,
riecht mein Nachmittagsspaziergang im Park
auf der Fahndung nach Laub.
Beflügelt vom Sonnenwind,
kreise ich meine Ohren,
schmatze mit dem Mund,
wedle mit dem Schwanz,
und kehre mich wieder um.“
"Das Reh", 7. Juni 2019 von Jessica R. K.
„Humor; das Trostpflaster all derjenigen, die sich und die Welt hier und da nicht zu ernst zu schätzen wissen.“
- Jessica R. K.
We are merging with our environment. Through thinking, feeling, and choosing, we are learning and planting thoughts, which are real physical things, into the expansion and solidification of descriptive systems through the addition of the three types of knowledge (thinking, feeling, and choosing) to the metacognitive domain. It happens in our minds 24/7, even when we are asleep. We truly are superbly intellectual beings, even when we are not aware of what is going on in our minds.
[„The Perfect You“ by Dr. Caroline Leaf]
"Overexplaining and oversharing are messy responses, which are often linked to trauma and misunderstandings."
by Dr. Caroline Leaf
"A good marriage contains making room for rituals, routines and great sex.“
by Dr. Caroline Leaf
"You are not your brain. You have the power to control your brain. As well is your mind seperate from your brain, yet showing up in your brain.“ #bodysoulspirit
by Dr. Caroline Leaf
"Emotions are an amazing source of data to mind and an invitation to go inward."
by Dr. Caroline Leaf
"You are not your brain. You have the power to control your brain. As well is your mind seperate from your brain, yet showing up in your brain."
by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Zugspitze 2.962 m ü. Meer - Deutschland 2022
„The Authenticity Train“
by Jessica Rademacher-Kull
„Authenticity working through faith“
It is no wonder that if faith is build up in a wrong direction, that it‘s going to take someone to a wrong place, unless faith is rethought and rebuilt to move in the right direction. Yet if someone else builds up their faith against you, you can stand against it in faith by not accepting wrong directions for your path or
‚their discouragement‘ for your life. When faith works as a pure reasoning it will go full speed. In the end all evil comes from the enemy and all good from God.
„Authenticity, faith, the present and wrong assumptions“
You can’t act on a thought, vision or „prophecy“ of a future behavior of somebody and justify your bad attitude towards them at the same time, while never knowing if any of your assumptions about them are ever going to happen. Prophecies fail, people change and thinking you know someone can often show you actually don‘t. It so often happens that people rather imagine stupid shit about someone, which doesn‘t even fit any realistic perspective, just so they can use their „faith“ to build something evil against another person. It is called manipulation, witchcraft and it’s not intelligent, cause it eventually comes back from different sides. Kinda like cursing yourself.
It is bad to see how quick judgments are build on assumptions and how often faith is used for nonsense, rather than for the good and success. It‘s moving against the headways. Take a thought captive and if it doesn’t profit anything, don’t choose to ponder on it anylonger.
I agree, it takes great practice, but so are the results great. Whereas if you choose to treat someone like crap (even in your mind) for actually no reason, just because you think they might fall short in five years from now and maybe, somewhen, eventually dissappoint you. You’ll make someone angry and you won‘t have to wonder, if what you’ve imagined eventually came true.
But then don’t point fingers for what you’ve sowed the first seeds for and perhaps even kept watering.
People are who they are in the present and should be treated accordingly, not on how they might be according to a wishful thought or imagination of someone, somewhen in the future.
The opposite is only creating problems and will never bring forth any good fruit.
Your faith stewardship deserves better.
„Adaption can still be authentic“
Adapting to other people can define how intellectually elastic a person is & display some sort of emotional or spiritual intelligence. Adaption can even still mean ‚you’re being yourself‘, as long as the adaption is and stays authentic. As soon as an adaption becomes inauthentic or is even being forced from someone, the results are misplacement, manipulation and frustration.
„Authenticity can sometimes carry a definition of letting go and moving forward“
People who‘ve really tried to destroy your character, shouldn‘t be allowed a close seat at your table no more. You can and even should forgive them, but should care for yourself enough to move on and maintain a close watch on your circle of meaningful relationships. There are people you might not get along with, but they might be fine for someone else and the other way around. Everyone grows in their own unique time. Yet wishing to be a friend to everyone, might just hurt your soul and end in tragedy. You may know many people, but the ones‘ sticking really close to you, should really be for you and not secretly wishing your downfall. If this is not the case, it might be better to let go of someone or a few and move on even if it seems painful in the beginning. Forgiveness is key to a fulfilled life, but caring for your authenticity just as much.
Hanging out with the wrong folks for too long can ruin your patience and cause frustration, just as bad company corrupts good habits.
Success is subjective. With all the stereotypesof what success might look like according to the worlds‘ standards, we often find out that true success can be defined as a whole different story. Your values shouldn‘t be compromised too much in order for you to become successful. True success is authentic. If your success had to grow in ways that made you compromise your values too much, than your success has not been built in a very authentic way. Not saying there can‘t be changes lateron in turning the game around. But keeping it real from the beginning is usually the better way.
„Seperation can be a good thing and promote your authenticity.“
„Following false expectations kills our authenticity“
It‘s not your problem to follow the expectations of someone else on your life. If someone gets mad at you, cause you are not the person they wish or think you to be - then that‘s their problem. You‘re not obligated to walk in their shoes, neither are they to walk in yours. In fact, some of y‘all shoes don‘t even fit each other.
„Comparison kills our authenticity“
It is a great thing to remain teachable, yet a stupid thing when we start to compare ourselves to someone else.
We can admire others for who they are, we can learn from others, but we should never compare ourselves to anyone. Comparison doesn‘t only distinguish the unique person everyone of us is,
it as well confuses our faith circulation and promotes the wrong thoughts.
Be authentic by being you and learn to sort out thoughts, which lead to comparison. There‘s absolutely no need for them, when it comes to your personal development.
„Yes to forgiveness. No to false dependency.“
Forgiveness is a very releasing thing to the human body, spirit & soul, but it doesn‘t require to let someone come close to you again. Especially not if they have been abusive or hurtful for decades. Forgiveness is crucial, but protecting your wellbeing from being hurt over and over again is just as essential. Some people are better kept at a distance. There‘s no shame in standing up for yourself.
„Frustration kills our authenticity.“
Frustration is a life killer and a great cause for addictions. If there‘s a chance to leave what’s been frustrating, stealing your time and energy - do it. Gaining distance to certain situations, relationships and even family members can be a key to understanding your frustration and how to protect yourself again. If you have invested yourself in people and still feel drained after longer periods of time, it‘s a sign to disconnect and move on. Even if it feels unfamiliar in the beginning, it can save you loads of trauma. Don‘t be afraid to live to see new experiences and meet new people in different places.
If the lies and opinions from other people can’t steal your authenticity anylonger and can’t grow roots of frustration within you anymore, you‘ll have experienced a great amount of healing and freedom.
You don‘t have to destroy people in their existence, just because you don‘t like them or have never benefitted from them in a godly matter. Someone else might have benefitted from them. If it‘s nothing for you, that’s fine. Leave it to God. But don‘t bite others for no good reason.
Humility is a great force of intelligence and strength.
If you have been strong for long, but actually have had to deal with much pain on the way - take some time for you.
Be sweet to yourself.
You deserve to have it good and to have compassion on yourself too. Understanding and acknowledging, that you're weak sometimes too isn't a bad thing. It can be a longterm curing thing, when met in healthy proportions.